TXB017 Dynamic Sky 180 St. 0,8-2"
Zestaw do samodzielnej obsługi! Odpalany jednym lontem.
Ilość strzałów: 180
Czas: 2minuty 30 sekund
Efekty: A blue tail brocade crown king blue star 10shots B:red tail to scarlet w/silver strobe 7shots. C:no tail to gold strobe willow w/purple dahlia 8shots, A red tail silver wave red strobe 5shots B:green tail silver wave green strobe 5shots C:blue tail spit red green falling leaves w/blue star 21shots., A: no tail to gold willow to red w/white strobe 3shots. B:no tail to gold willow to green w/white strobe 3shots. C:red tail to time rain willow w/red star 5shots., A:no tail to red blue dahlia w/silver strobe 6shots B:green tail to brocade crown king w/green strobe 10shots. C:purple tail to purple green w/silver chrys 7shots, D:green tail to time rain willow w/green star 5shots E:silver tail to red green dahlia w/silver chrys21 shots F:red tail red wave chrys 4shots G:green tail green wave chrys 4shots, D:red tail red wave white strobe 4shots. E:green tail green wave red strobe 4shots. F:no tail to brocade crown 6shots, D:red tail to red green coco w/time rain 7shots. E:no tail to silver coco w/red green dahlia 6shots. E:red tail to silver coco crackling 7shots, D:red tail to red wave silver strobe 8shots E:red tail to red strobe w/silver chys 14shots
Producent | |
Kod produktu | TXB017 |
Waga | 1 kg |
Pakowanie | 1/1 |
Kaliber | 20,30,50 mm |
Strzały | 180 |
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